Common Counters: It's Stealing
(Common Counters will be an ongoing series of posts to give examples of ways to counter statements that copyright supporters often use.)
No one can own a song. I may 'take it without permission' because no permission is needed. If I have some public data (such as a song,) I have a right to send it to whoever I want, and no one has the legitimate authority to deny me that right. Exclusive 'copy rights' are fictitious and evil.
Downloading music is stealing a product.Downloading is not stealing. If you steal a book, the bookstore loses the book. When I copy a song, I am not depriving anyone of anything, they still have the song too. The copyright holders of the song are not even involved in the transaction.
No one can own a song. I may 'take it without permission' because no permission is needed. If I have some public data (such as a song,) I have a right to send it to whoever I want, and no one has the legitimate authority to deny me that right. Exclusive 'copy rights' are fictitious and evil.
It is time to restore freedom.
Many who see the sad state of copyright law today believe that we need to restore 'reasonable' time limits on copyrights. I think our society has advanced enough to progress a bit further. Copyright is an unjust infringement on basic human rights to liberty and free speech, It is time to end that infringement. It is time to restore freedom.
The purpose of this website is to help people promote, by any legal means, the repeal of all copyright laws.
The purpose of this website is to help people promote, by any legal means, the repeal of all copyright laws.